The inherent good of people - General Psychology

In this thesis we explain how the notation ‘everyone’s born good, world alters him evil’ is true. There is always something within us that’s dealing with right and wrong. No one really wants to do things that are termed as ‘unethical.’ But the question that arises is that how come the people turn ‘unethical’, while even living amongst all the morally strong people of the world that inherent goodness?

One theory we often hear is that people get subjective to bad in the world. They are born well, but when people around them carry out disrespected things to them, they render them evil as a reflexive action. We all need to be raised in a good quality atmosphere that is without the influence of dishonest social order. Labeling an infant as inherently evil is not anything more than a ridiculous stupidity. One has to say that they are good, that they are guiltless and creditable of love, care and justify nurture in the most constructive environment that could be possible.

Let us now talk about that then why there is evil in the world even if the fact is that we are born well. All the terrible behavioral acts that a person takes answer a necessity. Gangsters, drug carriers, burglars are all the outcomes of the society we live in. So it’s about the society and not the child that the innocent born kid becomes deadly and disrespectful. “Toxic kids”, a term often coined by psychiatrists is the consequence of their ill understanding of the world. A child is born innocent in this world, so all he has is what he has gained from this world, either evil or good.

On the contrary a clean environment nourishes the ability of good that a child was born with. The inherent benevolence of a child gets shaped into relationships. Virtue is found in the constructive relationships among young people. Values, ethics and morals live within social interactions. The inherent integrity of a kid is raised in virtuous relations. The absence of social norms causes the kid to loose his inherent goodness.

In a study conducted by Villareal, Trandis, Bontempo, and Lucca in the year 1988 proves that human behavior focuses on exterior and environmental forces to come into the eventual definition of ‘who you are’. The results obtained by this study proves that social norms and cultural values have immense affect on every born individual and set out to show that character comes any from any distinctive or collectivist cultures.

Every society holds some rules and regulations that the citizens need to abide. Usually the rules in western society stand on the ideology of doing right and abstaining from doing things the wrong way. For instance, we are not permitted to steal other people's belongings or kill other people. I would like to consider that most people would abstain from burglary or killing even if it was not in opposition to the law. On the contrary, the majority people do not do awful acts like rape, persecute or murder people, since it is against the rule and they are scared of getting trapped, is very sad.

The African cities have no establishment of civil society other than the inherent goodness in individuals. Feeble and distant government, burglary, corruption from law enforcing agents, besieged hospitals, no scientific society, no liberal media and journalism and no ordered social or political goings-on. Everyone feels the pain of insecurity. But the time any of the area is hit by a natural disaster, everyone gets united to help the needy. Like the time when Haiti was hit by an earthquake in 2010. Just because of their inner consciousness.

A behavior theory on human nature by Markx says that animals create only according to the principles and needs of the class to which they belong, while men is competent of fabricating according to the standards of all specie and of applying to each entity, its inherent standard. Men can produce according to its external stimuli.

Nitai Harbeli says:

"Distance yourself from a bad neighbor and do not join with an evil person."

The primary assumption in this statement, made by Nitai is that human temperament, obtained from nature, is strongly ‘good’. That’s the reason why the inner consciousness for ethical, moral and spiritual self-improvement is pulling out us from negative influences. Avoiding the immorality, including the inclination towards evil, within ourselves, clears the pathway for our inherent righteousness. According to the gossip, who can be the “bad neighbor” as described by Nitai? Even though there are a variety of explanations, we can perhaps differentiate the core of the difference by investigating how we are concerned to inter relate both. For instance, is somebody we need to reserve ourselves from? That would mean that the threat inherent in this being is our difficulty to him, keeping him reserved. Each individual influences his closeness as a lot as anything else. The bad influence anyone put forth is not certainly obvious. Though, therein lays the risk that the influence is subtle. Similar to undertow at a seaside, you find physically being drawn out to spaces you don't want to be exclusive of becoming conscious of it. So don't let yourself mislead or drawn in by delicate influences that encircle us all over or you will end up losing what you inherent by nature.

According to the book on the topic of ‘leadership’ by Peter Koestenbaum, leadership is referred as an inherent good. The ruling class carries their qualities from genes and they need not to really work hard to achieve greatness. Comparatively to a person who first aims to be a responsible human then sets his goals to become a leader. The generation bought up by professors, intellects, scientists and other supreme persons are trained to lead even before they are born.

According to Popkin, in his book ‘philosophy made simple’, discusses some of the day to day lessons of psychology. Some biological facts enlightens us that the nature of a child begins as develop in the mother’s womb and also on the mindset of the couple while they are mating. Therefore the people, who are said to be good natured, usually give birth and bring up children, who inherit the goodwill philosophy from their parents. Every human lives his early childhood with his guardians, who gave birth to him. The cultural, ethical and moral values are transferred from parents to their offspring. This is a procedure followed by nature.

According to an English writer, Jean Maalouf in his book “the healing power of kindness’ declared love and kindness as one of the most powerful weapon nature possess. As a child grows among his parents, whose centre for love and care are their offspring, they absorb the element of love from them. They feel the importance of being kind, and signify it as a weapon against all immorality of the world. The children continue to follow the character of his parents as they become ideal personalities for him. Therefore the children belonging to the families where ethical, moral and religious values are given importance are usually honorable citizens of any society.

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